?I guess you can say March and April were busy months for us! ?? Check out March & April’s news to meet our lovely Violet, learn all about caregiver Tiara and catch up on the latest Compassionate Chatter! Simply download by clicking the button below to read!...
February is one time of the year when we show people a little extra love! My goal for all of 2018 is to be extra loving to those I know, meet and serve. God loves me, and I know I am asked to love others without expecting anything in return. How can I do that? Check...
The Christmas Season … “Most of the time” it is sparkled with moments of love, goodwill and peace. Christmas, for me, is joyful most of the time. Each year, while cleaning, baking and preparing for Christmas, I often find myself in tears. Bing Crosby’s, “I’ll Be...
Leading Age of Minnesota’s mission is to transform and enhance the experience of aging. Compassionate Care’s Beverly Werder has been selected as one of the Leading Age of Minnesota’s 50 for the Next 50! Read more about this in October 2017’s...
We had a wonderful celebration of three milestones in serving our older adult population. Besides Compassionate Care celebrating 15 years of in-home care, our first Cottage has been providing 24-hour assisted living services for ten years. In December 2016, we opened...
Learn all about Compassionate Care and Compassionate Cottage’s latest milestones and read a very special note from our beloved Barb. Get June & July 2017’s Compassionate Chatter by clicking the button to download your pdf below. Read June & July...
Spring Blessings… A week ago, I said, “Like the monkey said when he got his tail caught in the lawn mower,” It won’t be long now!” And it happened! Spring has arrived!! We can always trust God to bring spring showers, sunshine, blooming daffodils, tulips and the...